Monday, October 8, 2012

A New Start

Hello and welcome to our new fundraising page. We had the Go Fund Me page and though we really liked the page , the website took quite a bit of money out per donation and we weren't really happy with that. We now have the Chip In widget so that all donations can go through Paypal and directly into our account rather then having almost 9.1% taken out of every donation and gone to a website. There may possibly be a fee if one uses a credit card but it will be no where near 9.1% that's for sure.
 This way all donations go straight to Maggie's care, medical supplies, and traveling expenses. Please know that all money goes for her care and none of it is ever used for personal use.
 I'll go ahead and post my update from Go Fund Me and sorry if it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It will after a while.
I'm not fond of having to start over but we didn't learn about the Chip In until after we were more than half way over the fundraiser we had on Go Fund Me. So now is a new start and we hope that it will be a successful start.

Its been quite a while since I last updated. Maggie did really well with her surgeries in Cincinnati and we came home on July 8th. So we were gone for two months.
During that time Maggie had developed a bowel leak after having her bowel resection, and we were inpatient for 23 days. After that had resolved itself we stayed at the Ronald McDonald House for the duration of the times and went to our appointments.
Maggie did super well and had her decannulation on July 1st. She did great with that only to turn by evening and have her very first Urinary Tract Infection ( UTI). So instead of being inpatient for 24hrs we were in the hospital for a week and spent our 4th of July inpatient.
After we came home things went well for a little while and Maggie yet again developed another UTI. After she had this last UTI we've had problems ever since with catherizing her Mitrofanoff , We then went back to Cincinnati in August to find out that her bladder has shrunk and we've been trying very hard with medications to get her bladder to relax and stretch. Sadly, we aren't seeing any improvement and she still has her supra pubic tube in.
With this all said we are now having insurance problems as our state has now switched over to an HMO , and we are having yet again to go back to Cincinnati. We may in the following weeks open a fundraising page on another website as Go Fund Me seems to take a large amount of money out of our donations . So we don't get the whole amount that people send.
We are looking into maybe having to relocate closer to Cincinnati so Maggie can get the care she needs without having to constantly fight the insurance companies here eventually. For now we need help to continue to get the care we need for her as our HMO is not covering some of her supplies our last insurance paid for.  Please keep us in your prayers that God will show us the right thing to do, and that He provides a way for us so that we can continue to give Maggie the care she needs.

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