Friday, October 12, 2012

Without You

I think this title sums it up as far as doing our fundraiser here.  We do plan on doing some other outside fundraising but for now we want to start online. I mean, why not?  Most people are online and its a great way to spread Maggie's fundraising page to others.

This page is a bit different than the go fund me, but I'll admit I like it more because I can type away and post more and not be limited by the number of words I can type. I can tell it like it is. I did like our Go Fund Me page but didn't like the fact they were taking about 9.1% of donations either. Not cool. Especially when ever last cent counts.

So your reading this page and your wondering what , YOU can do to help.  Its as easy as donating as little as $5 or as much as you find in your heart to donate.  YOU can help by sharing our pages on your facebook , twitter or any other social media group. YOU can easily help us with our fundraising by holding a small one of your own. I've seen people do bake sales, and yard sales, or make small items and sell them for others when they've been in need. WE can't do it alone , nor do we want to do it alone.  Its to much to do it alone. Anyone who thinks that fundraising is easy ought to try it themselves. Its not easy , not at all. Ask the people who run groups like the American Cancer Society, or for any other illness you can think of. It takes lots of time, and planning.  Time I don't have much of these days.

Not only am I a mom to a child with multiple medical problems , but I homeschool , I teach our kindergarden and 1st grade Religious Education class, and I also am a Girl Scout leader.  Doing all I do for the sake of my children, and for a sake of a little bit of normalcy away from medical stuff.

Know we aren't asking money to help us go to a trip to DisneyLand. Though that would be much more preferred at this point in our lives.  We are asking to help us with the high medical costs , the high cost of having to travel so Maggie can get the medical care she needs at the place she needs to be to get it (sadly we just don't have what we need here for her at home), and we can't do this without YOU.

With YOU we can make a difference. With  YOUR prayers we can achieve our goal for Maggie in being able to better her quality of life.  I pray that YOU will take a moment consider donating.  It just takes one moment to click the Chip In button on the right hand of your screen, and typing in whatever amount you wish to donate. Every little bit helps , and every little bit is always, always appreciated.

The Reed family wants to thank YOU for your help and may God bless YOU for taking the time to help.

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