Wednesday, October 10, 2012

God's timing is always perfect

I will say without a doubt that God's timing is perfect timing. Thankfully our urology department is working just as hard as we are at getting back to Cincinnati. I can truly, truly say that our doctors and nurses there at Cincinnati children's care about their patients and work very hard to help families so that children can get the care that they need.

Looking back on everything since this summer. Had we not had the surgery when we did , had it not happened until now. Maggie's surgery would have never of happened and I'm most sure we would have much more difficulty getting back into Cincinnati Children's then we have now.
Thankfully we have the fact that Maggie had her surgery and its only been such a short time since her surgery that it wouldn't even be wise to go ahead and even change to another doctor at this point. Especially more so that we are having the problems that we are having with her bladder spasming up on us and closing her Mitrofanoff valve.

We are truly thankful for God's timing. We really are because without Him nothing is possible.

So we ask you with all of our being to help us keep up with getting Maggie's supplies that our forced upon HMO no longer covers. We ask you to help us get back to Cincinnati.
We'd actually like to make this the last time that we would ever have to ask for money as we would like to within the year to move closer to Cincinnati so we could eliminate this problem of having to ask. We don't like doing it any more than the next person. We really don't.  Actually , in all reality I hate fundraising.  I will say if there is anyone out there who thinks fundraising is easy , or simple is just dead wrong. Fundraising is a LOT of work. Whether you do it online, holding it other places , or no matter how you do it. Not to mention the amount of time and work you spend on it , you also deal with a lot of very mean spirited people too. People who have no idea what you are going through always seem to have extremely mean things to say because their lives are so perfect in every way and they have all of the answers to everyone's problems.

I will tell you that we don't do this for fun, nor is it fun, nor is it a way to live for anyone, but in the same breath we have to do what we need to do in these tough times to make sure our daughter has the very best of care that she deserves to get.

So we would like to thank anyone and everyone who kindly donates for Maggie's medical supplies, and for our travels so that we can eventually move to Cincinnati and can at least rid of having to  do fundraisers like this from our life for a while.

So you wonder what your donations can help us with ?  I can give you a break down of it....

$5 a month could help us with buying alcohol wipes that we can purchase off of ebay.
$17 a month could help us get 4 nylon bard catheter plugs ( that seem to stay in her supra pubic tube better and don't pop out)
$20 a month  could help us get the BZK wipes that we really need each month for Maggie to wipe her Mitrofanoff stoma with to cut down on Urinary tract infections
$50 month  could get a box of feeding bags from ebay for Maggie's enemas
every few months we spend $45 on glycerine for her enemas , this gives us two gallons of glycerine.
We are also hoping to eventually get a special stroller style wheelchair  that she will fit in for our medical travels. Maggie gets tired easy and she is growing out of her baby stroller. Which is about a whopping $1500 dollars or so.  After all she is 6 yrs old. And its not cheap. We've tried many. many times to win one from the company itself so we wouldn't have to ask anyone at all for money for it and haven't won yet. Since Maggie can walk our insurance won't cover it anyways. So we're trying to raise funds for this.  It seems it never ever ends.
$245 would give us the gas we need for our van so we can travel to Cincinnati for Maggie at the end of October here.
$450 would be our week's stay at a hotel in Cincinnati ( as its EXTREMELY hard to get into the Ronald McDonald House there, its always at 100% capacity., and you have to wait for rooms there. and their short term stay rooms aren't always available when you need them too.)
$65 a day for food for breakfast , lunch and dinner , and we're not talking about eating out for all three meals ( can't do it , can't handle eating like that)

I could go on and on what a donation could help us with. Please know that Maggie isn't our only child. She is our youngest , and we were very blessed to have three healthy girls before her. Life was good for us and though I always admired those families that had special needs children( I knew they had things much harder than us regular people did ) never in our wildest dreams did we know that we would be blessed with a special needs child ourselves.

Please know when things get better, we'll be the first to post our happiness here , and to close it down. Until then we are asking for your help.  Help for a cute little 6 yr old girl . We appreciate prayers always, but sadly they don't pay the bills.

Know that ALL money goes to the care for Maggie only.

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